Apply for a Short-Term Rental Permit

The City of Point Russell regulates short-term rental properties in order to mitigate resident impact and maintain safety of our residents. If you own property within Point Russell city limits and are interested in renting it for periods of less than 30 consecutive days, you are required to obtain a short-term rental (STR) permit.

Below are two ways that a resident can apply for a short-term rental permit. Please read the requirements carefully prior to beginning the online application or bringing your form to the City offices to ensure that you meet all necessary criteria to qualify as a short-term rental opportunity.


Step 1.Eligibility

In order to be eligible for a short-term rental permit, you must have the following items:

  • Site Plan
  • TWO of the following documents:
    • Utility bill, dated in the last three months
    • Current Vehicle Registration
    • Voter Registration
    • Drivers License or other State issued ID
    • Previous year's W-2 Form or Tax Return

Step 2.Apply Online

Use the application at the link below to apply for a short-term rental permit.

Apply Now


Step 1.Eligibility

In order to be eligible for a short-term rental permit, you must have the following items:

  • Site Plan
  • TWO of the following documents:
    • Utility bill, dated in the last three months
    • Current Vehicle Registration
    • Voter Registration
    • Drivers License or other State issued ID
    • Previous year's W-2 Form or Tax Return

Step 2.Fill Out Application

Please download and fill out the attached application.

short-term-rental-application.pdf(PDF, 34KB)

Step 3.Submit Application

Please bring in the completed application and TWO of the above mentioned documents to our City offices for processing by the Administrative Services staff.

Administrative Services Office

11 Bishop Street Portland, ME 04103 - between the hours of 8AM - 5PM Monday thru Friday.