Report an Issue

Need to report an issue? Can't find the right information? Point Russell 311 can help. There are many ways to get in touch with us for non-emergency information. Do what's easiest for you.

Report Online

Submit Online

Reporting through the portal is the easiest and fastest way to ensure that any issues you notice in the City of Point Russell are resolved. Remember, if this is an emergency, please call 911. Otherwise:

Report an Issue

Call the Action Center

Call (800) 555-1342

We're here to answer your call Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Weekends 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Chat with Team

If you already use a chatbot or have found one that you'd like, here's where we could place it into your website.

If you don't have one but are interested, we can connect you with our preferred partner!

sample Chatbot