
After successfully completing the background process, you may receive a conditional job offer and a date to start the academy. If you do, congratulations! The first part of your journey towards becoming a Deputy Sheriff is complete.

You will no longer be referred to as an applicant in the hiring process; you are now a recruit or cadet, soon to attend the academy.

Academy life is fast paced and intense, and for some, it can be overwhelming. If you are not mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for the academy, you reduce the chances of succeeding — everything you have worked for up to that point would be jeopardized, simply because you weren't prepared.

We want to see our candidates not only succeed in the academy, but have fun and thrive throughout the process. So take our advice: prepare yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. Ensure your success in the academy by making yourself as fit and as prepared as possible before you even start.

Below are the three main aspects in your life that you will want to get in shape before attending the academy: