Physical Ability

man holding a weight sack on his back

The lack of physical preparation is the number one reason recruits fail out of the academy; if you are not in top physical condition on day one, your chance for success diminishes greatly.

On the bright side, you have absolute control over your physical preparedness. If you want to be a Deputy Sheriff, establish a regular workout program now, while you have time to condition yourself to be stronger and have more stamina. We recommend that you start preparing at least six months to one year before you even apply.

The type of workout similar to what recruits experience at the academy is the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or CrossFit-style training. This type of workout involves short bursts of exercise with brief intervals (30-45 seconds) of rest in between. The workout can be as short as seven minutes, but you should be working at maximum capacity and out of breath by the end. The goal is to push yourself, so that you increase your capacity every time you do the workout. Do the workout three times per week, and you can reap the benefits as well as give your body time to recover properly.

In addition to administering the Physical Agilities Test (PAT) to assess your physical preparedness, we also offer a workout program to help you reach your peak physical fitness in time for the academy.

Voluntary Training Program

The Point Russell Sheriff’s Department offers a voluntary training program to prepare applicants for the academy. The workout program is strictly voluntary; however, your attendance is highly recommended.

Once you are assigned a Background Investigator and in the backgrounds process, you can request a schedule of the pre-academy workouts. Taking advantage of these workouts will help you to prepare physically for the academy and attendance shows motivation and dedication, which makes a good impression with your recruiter.

In addition, you will develop a strong bond with other candidates in the hiring process. This bond may continue into the academy, hopefully establishing lifelong friendships with fellow cadets. This type of bond will also greatly improve your chance of success in the academy.